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CD-Rom presentation design, DVD-Rom interactive design and custom presentation services.The impact of interactivity in comparison to traditional marketing and communication of content, through static text and pictures, by the consumer as a means of influencing consumer judgements is evident in the modern business world.
With CD-Rom, and interactive communication, audiences become users.
Users who through CD-Rom's, applications, and activities, Interactive television, kiosks, digital presentations, events, and cross media campaigns. Experience, a basis of impressions, reactions, opinions, and habits. These experiences are shaped, formed, and constantly adjusted, as the user determines what to see, when to see it, what order to view it, via navigation, and if and when to communicate through the medium with the company.
At 123PPT, our aim is not only to help your audience interact with your presentation, but more importantly shape, and determine, their attitudes, responses, and expectations, when they experience and encounter you digitally through interactive means.
In actively defining, and assisting you in the segmentation of your differing interactive audiences. Establishing needs, user requirements, and critical success criteria's. Our team of interactive designers focus on attracting, and fulfilling, user and consumer expectancies from within your use of interactive media. Transforming users into active customers and partners. And maximising your interactive market potential and overall market position.
To find out more about how 123PPT.com's Presentation Services team can help you achieve your presentation needs, contact us today for a free quotation and start gaining your audience's attention.
At 123PPT, our experienced presentation artists are here to bring your message to life with enhanced CD-Rom and interactive presentations.
Click on any of the sample images below to view a small selection of our creative CD-Rom Pesentation and Productions work.
In todays modern world, presentations take place continuously. If your company produces a high volume of self running or interactive CD-Rom presentations. Then outsourcing your mutlimedia projects to 123PPT will enable you to leverage the benefits of increased presentation quality, improved deadline compliance, as well as the ability to reduce the fixed cost of internal human reosurces and time to a variable cost.
Outsourcing your CD-Rom presentations to 123PPT provides: |
- Expanded hours of presentation support.
- Increased presentation quality.
- Reduced presentation production costs.
- Improved deadline compliance.
- Increased management and organizational.
- Overflow support.
- Reduced human resources risks.
After consulting and discussing your unique position, together we will diagnose your needs, and collaborate with you to create a custom presentation outsourcing solution that: |
- Provides you with around the clock support for high-cost professionals.
- Provides you with cost-effective CD-Rom productions and multimedia design support for low utilization or peak periods including holidays, and weekend periods.
- Reduce your costs whilst increasing the quality of your presentations and service by replacing your internal multimedia design and non-core presentation production department.
Contact us today to discuss your outsourced presentation service requirements and outsource your presentations to 123PPT, the interactive presentation professionals. |
Improve your existing Presentation by: |
- Adding an attention grabbing introduction sequence to your presentation.
- Adding an animated corporate logo.
- Integrating video, and animation movie clips to show specific speakers, events, products, etc.
- Linking your presentation to your website.
- Linking your presentation to realtime figures and data from your database.
- 3D animations and illustrations.
- Reviewing and editing text to improve the delivery of your message and overall communication.
- Producing color schemes to match specific points and achieve greater strategic objectives.
- Animating attractive backgrounds for greater visual appeal and attention.
- Creating custom graphics and animated effects, to support key points and arguments.
- Adding soundtrack(s) and sound effects to gain greater attention and argument focus.
- Delivering your CD-Rom in custom box packaging with your branded label design upon the CD-Rom.
Develop new components for your Presentation by: |
- Introducing animated effects and transitions.
- Animating your brand and/ or logo.
- Integrating interactive video sequences enabling the user to click on areas of footage for information.
- Designing original artwork for your backgrounds, charts, and illustrations.
- Adding virtual walk-throughs and environment simulations.
- Including product demos, screensavers, and other applications.
Create an entire new and custom Presentation by: |
- Redesigning your PowerPoint Presentation for a full featured interactive CD-Rom Production.
- Using custom photos, illustrations, movies, animations, transitions, and sound clips.
- Making a fully interactive and/ or self-running presentation.
- Implementing custom interface designs within your presentation.
- Integrating video sequences and interactive video clips for a fuller media rich experience.

Click to view The CD-Rom Productions Show Reel |
Storyboard and scripting.
Interactive and self-running Presentations.
Interface design and production.
Integrated video, and animation movie clips.
Interactive video.
Music composition, sound and spot effects.
Copywriting and editing.
Custom logo animations.
3D and full motion graphics.
Graphic designs, backgrounds, photos, and Illustrations.
Internet connection for live data content.
Custom box packaging and CD-Rom label design.
PC and MAC compatable productions.
At 123PPT, our creative department create unique interactive and self running CD-Rom productions for individuals, organizations, and agencies.
A selection of some of our latest CD-Rom presentation and production client references can be seen below: |
- Audulution
- ProMatch
- Helly Hansen
- Telia
- Microsoft
- EMapp
- Tri-State Realty
- The Art Directory
- Peach Pit Press
To learn more about how 123PPT.com can help you set the tone and give your presentation the professional look you demand contact us today for a free quotation, and start gaining attention using presentations that animate your ideas across the screen, create atmosphere, and bring energy and commitment to your beliefs. |