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Share your presentation articles, advice and critiques with the presentation and PowerPoint community.Welcome to the 123PPT Presentation Articles and Advice section for Submitting an Article.
At 123PPT.com, we aim to provide articles, insight, input, and commentary to help presenters improve, develop, and increase their presentation skills.
All articles have been compiled into one of the following categories:
To help presenters find advice and critique of interest to a specific area of presentation production and delivery.
In addition to our experts, industry professionals, and technical staff, we also welcome article submissions from presenters, producers, and individuals who feel that their experience and knowledge of presentations and the presentation industry would prove of benefit to our readers and online audience.
If you feel that you would like to write an article on a subject that has not yet been covered within our Articles and Advice categories, and would like to share your thoughts, opinions, and knowledge, then please use the form below to send us your piece.
As author, your work will not only be read by our users, but you will not only receive credit for your work, and 123PPT.com will also present a small biography of you to allow readers to get to know a little more about who you are, and what you do.
If you would rather send your article as a Microsoft Office Word, or Adobe PDF mail attachment, then please send us a mail stating your name, article title, and category.

To submit your article to our editors for review, please complete the fields and submit the form below: