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Learn more about using the 123PPT Presentations Player and viewing presentations on other machines.

The 123PPT Presentations Player™ allows you to play enhanced full screen full motion PowerPoint presentations with video backgrounds, music and sound effects on any PC computer.

To help answer your questions about system and platform requirements, please view our frequently asked questions listing below.

123PPT Presentations Player Support and Asssitance

If you have any further questions concerning 123PPT.com's products and services, please contact our Customer Services Department. Our service and support staff are on hand to assist you with any and all questions that you might have.



Does a presentation display differently on my screen than on the computer screen of the presenter who created the presentation?
Why does the presentation look perfect on the computer screen that was used to create the presentation but the video backgrounds look different on my screen?
Will a presentation play back differently on my screen than on the computer screen of the presenter who created the presentation?
In what resolution will my PowerPoint presentation with full motion video backgrounds run?
Can I play back a presentation using the 123PPT Presentations Player at any size other than full screen?
Are there any limitations in playing back my presentation on another computer?

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Does a presentation display differently on my screen than on the computer screen of the presenter who created the presentation?
No. The 123PPT Presentations Player is developed upon the latest technologies which ensure that the presentation will display precisely the same on your machine as it does on the computer screen of the presenter who created the presentation.
Why does the presentation look perfect on the computer screen that was used to create the presentation but the video backgrounds look different on my screen?
On new computers that have not been used or configured, the physical display properties of your graphics card may not have been optimally set. Every machine has its own unique graphics card and whilst the 123PPT Presentations Player installs the latest drivers and Direct X files on your machine, your actual graphics card settings may be set in default factory settings or not yet set correctly.

If a presentation does not appear correctly on your screen open your graphics card properties and adjust acceleration, overlay, or display properties until your graphics card appears as it should.

For more information on adjusting your display properties refer to the support documentation that accompanied your computer.
Will a presentation play back differently on my screen than on the computer screen of the presenter who created the presentation?
No. The 123PPT Presentations Player will play back the presentation precisely on your screen as it does on the computer screen of the presenter who created the presentation.

The 123PPT Presentations Player will also follow all play back commands saved with the presentation, such as Loop presentation, to ensure that the presentation not only plays back precisely but also plays once only or in a continuous loop for use for example in an information kiosk or booth, at tradeshow stands, business fairs and conferences.
In what resolution will my PowerPoint presentation with full motion video backgrounds run?
From low screen resolutions such as 800 x 600 to full HD high-definition screen resolutions such as 1920 x 1200. The 123PPT Presentations Player has been optimized to work and play back full screen full motion PowerPoint presentations on your PC.
Can I play back a presentation using the 123PPT Presentations Player at any size other than full screen?
Yes absolutely. The 123PPT Presentations Player allows you to play back a presentation at any screen size you wish. From full screen, to half screen and small thumbnail sizes, you can control, adjust and scale any presentation to any size during play back in real-time.

To adjust the size of a presentation enter Windows Mode using ALT+ENTER. In Windows Mode the presentation can be scaled to any size by simply dragging the corners of the play back window to any required size.
Are there any limitations in playing back my presentation on another computer?
No. Every presentation will play back in full screen and full motion on every PC computer.

The 123PPT Presentations Player allows free play back of presentations only. If you wish to create, edit or update a presentation with video backgrounds then the computer requires a licensed version of the 123PPT Video Backgrounds Studio to allow authoring and updating. If you wish create, edition or update a presentation with music playlists, audio effects such as fade in or fade out, loop or narration then the computer requires a licensed version of the 123PPT Music & SoundFX Studio to allow authoring and updating.
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