123PPT PRESENTATIONS PLAYERFree Standalone PowerPoint Presentations Player
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Our Customer Services team are here to answer any questions and assist you with your enquiries.

The 123PPT Presentations Player™ allows you to play enhanced full screen full motion PowerPoint presentations with video backgrounds, music and sound effects on any PC computer.

To help answer your questions about system and platform requirements, please view our frequently asked questions listing below.

123PPT Presentations Player Support and Asssitance

If you have any further questions concerning 123PPT.com's products and services, please contact our Customer Services Department. Our service and support staff are on hand to assist you with any and all questions that you might have.

Customer Support

Customer Support

Is there someone I can talk with to tell me more about the 123PPT Presentations Player?
Is there someone I can talk with to tell me more about the 123PPT Video Backgrounds Studio?
Is there someone I can talk with to tell me more about the 123PPT Music & SoundFX Studio?
Is there someone I can talk with to tell me more about the 123PPT Video Background Collections?
Can 123PPT.com create a custom video background for our company?
Can 123PPT.com create a custom video background for example with our logo?
Can 123PPT.com create custom video backgrounds that animate our logo for example in 3d?

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Is there someone I can talk with to tell me more about the 123PPT Presentations Player?
Yes of course. At 123PPT.com we created the 123PPT Presentations Player to allow everyone with a PC to be able to experience the power of watching the next generation of PowerPoint presentations.

If you would like to know more about the 123PPT Presentations Player and how you can view and play back stunning TV-style full screen full motion video PowerPoint presentations with music and sound effects then please contact our Customer Services Department.
Is there someone I can talk with to tell me more about the 123PPT Video Backgrounds Studio?
Yes of course. At 123PPT.com we created the 123PPT Video Backgrounds Studio after reading and listening to our customers questions, concerns, and requests for a better improved product than our competitors solution, that would provide improved performance, ease of use, and extended functionality.

If you would like to know more about the 123PPT Video Backgrounds Studio and how it can transform your PowerPoint presentations from static to full screen full motion video PowerPoint presentations then please contact our Customer Services Department.
Is there someone I can talk with to tell me more about the 123PPT Music & SoundFX Studio?
Yes of course. The 123PPT Music & SoundFX Studio is the only application that provides you with complete control over your presentation music and sound effects.

Through extremely powerful yet easy to use tools that allow you to create playlists, fade music in and fade music out, cross fade between tracks and control all fade durations and volume levels, pan music, create seamless loops as well as narrate your presentations in real-time. The 123PPT Music & SoundFX Studio is a truly unique application that provides presenters with the ability to control sound in their presentations. If you would like to learn more about the 123PPT Music & SoundFX Studio then please contact our Customer Services Department.
Is there someone I can talk with to tell me more about the 123PPT Video Background Collections?
Yes of course. Our professional video, motion graphics, and broadcast television artists are on hand to answer any questions that you may have regarding video backgrounds, Video Background Collections, playing video backgrounds in PowerPoint, and creating full scree full motion video PowerPoint presentations.

If you would like to know more about the 123PPT Video Background Collections please contact our Motion Graphics Department.
Can 123PPT.com create a custom video background for our company?
Yes of course. At 123PPT.com, we can create your own unique video background that supports your company, industry, business, and presentation theme. Our professional video, motion graphics, and broadcast television artists are on hand to help you with your own unique corporate video background.

To discover how 123PPT can help you distinguish your company and brand through full motion video PowerPoint presentations, contact our Motion Graphics Department for a free no obligation quote and start gaining your audience's attention.
Can 123PPT.com create a custom video background for example with our logo?
Yes of course. At 123PPT.com, we know that creating a successful presentation also means captivating your audience and building your brand recognition. Whether watermarking your logo and brand into an existing video background, or creating your own unique video background with your logo. Our professional video, motion graphics, and broadcast television artists are on hand to help you with your own unique corporate video background.

To find out more about how 123PPT can help you gain greater brand distinction contact our Motion Graphics Department for a free no obligation quote and start gaining your audience's attention.
Can 123PPT.com create custom video backgrounds that animate our logo for example in 3d?
Yes of course. At 123PPT.com, our 3d modellers and graphic designers work hand in hand with our motion graphics, and broadcast television artists. Taking your logo, brand, or profile, and transforming it into 3 dimensions. Rotating, spinning, zooming, or simply orbiting your logo, creates a modern video PowerPoint Background that your audience will not only recognize but remember.

Imagine if your next PowerPoint presentation was not a static presentation made from a static PowerPoint Template, but was one with your logo animating seamlessly and discreetly behind your slide content. Imagine the impact your next presentation would have upon your audience.

If you would like to learn more about the possibilities of creating greater brand awareness and recognition with your own unique corporate video background, contact our Motion Graphics Department for a free no obligation quote and start gaining your audience's attention.
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